Trump Responds to Backlash Over Noem Dog Incident: ‘We All Have Bad Weeks’

( – At the end of April, information about South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s (R) new book was released. One particular story sparked outrage across the country, as the state leader admitted to shooting and killing her puppy, explaining that she hated it. Noem continued defending her story, but the public wasn’t biting on her narrative. Recently, former President Donald Trump addressed the issue.

On May 14, a Trump interview with radio hosts Clay Travis and Buck Secton aired. They asked the presumptive GOP presidential nominee what he thought about her revelation. Trump called her a “terrific person” who “had a bad week.”

The former president said there were definitely a “couple of rough stories,” but up to that point, she was doing very well. He explained that sometimes, when ghostwriters pen books, the person putting their name on it doesn’t “read it as carefully” as they should. Trump said in this case, Noem’s ghostwriters “didn’t help [her] too much.”

Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer released a statement after the interview aired, proclaiming that the Biden campaign is “proudly anti-puppy-killing and don’t think those who murder puppies are ‘terrific’ — an obvious dig at the former president.

It’s unclear if Trump’s refusal to criticize Noem will hurt his campaign, especially if he is still considering the governor as a running mate. There has been heavy speculation circulating that she is now off the list.

The former president indicated that he could reveal his choice for vice president soon. He’s had some meetings that appear to indicate who might be on his list. The top three rumored choices include North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum (R), Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL).

His campaign, however, previously stated that nobody knows who Trump will choose except for Trump himself. The former president is keeping that information close to the vest.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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