Biden Ally Admits Polling Is ‘Pretty Dire’ For The President

( – President Joe Biden was very popular when he took office, but his poll numbers tanked when he pulled US troops from Afghanistan, and 13 US service members died. He has never recovered, and now he’s been pounded by former President Donald Trump in the 2024 polls. A Democrat appeared to admit it’s not looking great for the POTUS.

Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) appeared on the May 19 episode of ABC’s “This Week” to discuss the upcoming election. Host Martha Raddatz pressed the Biden ally on recent polling showing the incumbent POTUS doing poorly. She pointed out that recent polling shows Trump leading Biden in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Nevada. Additionally, Biden is only slightly ahead of Trump and Wisconsin. That’s a stark contrast from 2020 when Biden won all six of those states.

Raddatz said, “He’s down by twelve in Nevada, seven in Michigan, seven in Arizona, [and] three in Pennsylvania.” She called the numbers “pretty dire” and asked the Democrat how the president’s campaign was going to rectify it.

The senator acknowledged the polls then quickly downplayed them, saying they “go up and down” throughout the election cycle. He said Democrats are going to have to make sure the American people understand the choice. Van Hollen claimed that the June presidential debate would help with that.

One of the polls Raddatz mentioned was from The New York Times and Siena College, which surveyed Americans in the six battleground states. It found that of Biden’s major blocs, nonwhite, young voters expressed unhappiness with the president. They were especially concerned about the economy and his position on Israel and its conflict in Gaza.

Americans are paying more for nearly everything after the global health crisis disrupted the economy. That has created a huge burden for young people who are just starting their careers. College protests about the war have also divided Generation Z and made them angry at US policies.

Whether these issues cause Biden to lose remains to be seen but it’s clear even the president’s allies are concerned.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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