Unexpected Death Occurs in Royal Family

(LibertySons.org) – Liechtenstein, an alpine principality nestled between Switzerland and Austria, holds the title of the fourth smallest nation in Europe and the sixth smallest globally. The tiny nation has suffered a colossal tragedy with the unexpected death of Prince Constantin, 51, the third and youngest son of reigning Prince Hans-Adam II.

Palace Announcement

The Palace in Vaduz issued a formal press release on December 6, notifying the public of Constantin’s death the previous day. The announcement said the Princely Palace regretted to announce that His Serene Highness Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein died unexpectedly, leaving behind his wife of 24 years, Princess Marie of Liechtenstein, and their three children, Prince Moritz, Prince Benedikt, and Princess Georgina.

The release also mentioned that the prince held positions as the Liechtenstein Group AG’s supervisory board chairman and membership on the Liechtenstein Group Holding AG’s board of directors. The Palace didn’t release a cause of death.

The Liechtenstein Group also announced Prince Constantin’s death on their website, noting that it came “as a terrible shock to all those who knew him,” expressing his associates’ deep mourning. The Group extended its condolences to his widow and children.

According to Liechtensteiner Vaterland, Constantin also managed the Prince Liechtenstein Foundation portfolio as general director and board chair. The foundation serves as the repository of most of the royal family’s assets, including one of the world’s largest and most diverse art collections.

The nation remains officially Roman Catholic, and Church representatives also extended their condolences and prayers for the family and eternal rest for Prince Constantin.

Succession and Controversy

Born in 1972, Constantin was third in the line of succession as a child. However, his eldest brother, Alois, married and had three sons, and the second eldest brother, Maximilian, also had a son, leaving Constantin seventh in the line of succession.

Unlike many modern monarchies, the Liechtenstein principality only allows succession through male heirs. In 2004, the United Nations questioned whether the tiny country’s policy preventing the succession of women as rulers violated the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

In 2007, Prince Hans-Adam II defended the policy, saying that succession law predates Liechtenstein and remains a family tradition that doesn’t affect the nation’s citizens. Moreover, the country’s constitution stipulates that succession remains a private family matter.

In 2003, Liechtenstein adopted its most recent constitution, providing the reigning prince extensive veto powers over legislation, the ability to dissolve the government and rule by emergency decree, and maintaining his active role in the legislative process. While the government retains elements of democracy, critics have called it the last absolute monarchy in Europe.

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