(LibertySons.org) – Shortly after the war between Hamas and Israel started in the Middle East, Iran-backed Houthi rebels began attacking ships in the Red Sea. In November, the terrorist group hijacked a commercial ship and, since then, has launched several missile and drone strikes against vessels in that area. Now, they’ve struck again.
On July 15, the terrorists launched multiple drone and missile strikes from several small vessels and used one unmanned seacraft to hit a Panama-flagged and Israeli-owned ship off the coast of Yemen. The next day, the leader of the Houthis group, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, said his fighters “humiliated” President Joe Biden by constantly attacking ships in the region. He specifically pointed to the group’s previous attack against the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Red Sea, causing it to depart the area in June.
However, US Central Command said that the ship did its job “protect[ing] freedom of navigation throughout the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.” It was reportedly not recalled out of fear. The USS Theodore Roosevelt swiftly replaced the vessel.
During a televised statement, al-Houthi said after the aircraft carrier’s departure, the US “turned to involving its Saudi agent” to help Israel — the group’s enemy. He then talked about the support his people were giving the Palestinians through protests and rallies. The Houthi leader called the US a “modern-day arrogant tyrant,” which his God humiliated. He promised that Allah would help break US agents and “their capabilities.”
The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations Center (UKMTO) confirmed the first strike on July 15, stating that the targeted ship — Bentley I — took “self-protection measures,” forcing the Houthis to retreat after just 15 minutes. The second attack came later via a Houthi unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which caused some damage to Chios Lion. Nobody on board either targeted ship was injured, and both continued their route.
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