Trump’s Rally Rife With Gaffes and Odd Hannibal Lecter Remark

( – When one thinks about gaffes and flubs on the campaign trail, the usual culprit is President Joe Biden. The current POTUS has done everything from embellishing his academic career to his most recent blunder, calling North Korean dictator Kim Jung-un the president of SOUTH Korea. On the other hand, former President Donald Trump, while not always the most eloquent speaker, usually doesn’t have a problem delivering his speeches with clarity and passion. But that certainly was not the case at a recent MAGA rally.

On Saturday, May 10, Trump held a rally in Wildwood, New Jersey. According to Newsweek, local officials estimate the attendance at 80,000 to 100,000 people. During his speech, he appeared to make several odd and out-of-context references. He spoke about eating hotdogs, talking to Frank Sinatra, and being friends with Pavarotti, who liked to eat. He called Jimmy Carter Jimmy Connors.

At one point in his speech, while talking about the criminal and mentally ill illegal immigrants flooding our borders, he compared them to a movie character. He talked about Hannibal Lecter, the criminally insane cannibal villain of the “Silence of the Lambs” movie. If Trump had stopped at just mentioning the name, things might not have been so confusing.

However, several times during the speech, he referred to him as “the great Hannibal Lecter” and said he was a “wonderful man.” Trump seemed to praise the character, brilliantly played by Anthony Hopkins, saying, “Congratulations” and paraphrasing a line from the movie where the evil cannibal would have a friend for dinner.

Campaigning is hard work, as Trump well knows. Add in the extra stress of the hush money trial underway in Manhattan, and it’s easy to see how someone could get confused, which is how he appeared at times. Only time will tell if this is a trend or a one-off occurrence.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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