Trump Suggests He Could Serve 3 Terms If Re-Elected

( – There were no term limits for presidents before 1951. That changed when the 22nd Amendment was officially ratified that year. The amendment limited presidents to two terms in office, a response to Franklin D. Roosevelt being elected four times. During a recent event, former President Donald Trump suggested he might challenge the Constitution’s term limits.

On Saturday, May 18, Trump spoke at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Dallas, Texas. During the speech, he told the crowd that Roosevelt served for “almost 16 years — he was four terms.” He then asked them whether he was going to be considered a three-term president or a two-term one.

Some of the members of the crowd shouted, “Three,” back at Trump.

The former president’s remarks come just weeks after Time magazine published an interview with him where he spoke about the possibility of a third term. In that discussion, he said that he didn’t intend to challenge the 22nd Amendment and would retire after his second term if America elected him again.

The 77-year-old said he “wouldn’t be in favor of a challenge,” and he wants to serve the “four years and do a great job.” Trump explained that his job would be to “bring our country back” by putting it “back on the right track.”

Trump spoke about the possibility of serving a third term before he lost the 2020 election as well. In a conversation with NBC’s Chuck Todd, the former president once explained that the reason he brought up a third term was because he knew that it drove the media into a frenzy. “I only joke,” Trump said. “I joke, and I say, “Watch! I will drive Chuck Todd crazy!”

As predicted, the former president’s remarks at the NRA event have, in fact, driven the media into a frenzy. The mainstream media is awash with reports about Trump floating the idea of a third term in office. Meanwhile, the Constitution remains intact.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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