Trump Offers to ‘Take the Fall’ for Constitution in Jail

( – Former President Donald Trump has not stopped posting on social media just because he’s on trial in New York City. Those posts have landed him in hot water with Judge Juan Merchan. However, the former POTUS has pledged to continue speaking his mind.

On May 6, Merchan found Trump in contempt for the second time. He charged the former president $1,000 for violating the gag order in the case. The order prohibits Trump from making public remarks about the jury, witnesses, or family members of court employees.

The punishment was related to an incident that took place on April 22, when Trump made comments about the jury to the Conservative outlet Real America’s Voice. He accused the jury of being “mostly all Democrat” and calling it “a very unfair situation.” The judge said the former president “raised the specter of fear for the safety of the jurors and of their loved ones.”

Outside of the courtroom after he was fined, Trump said he had to “watch every word” he said to people. He explained that he’d like to give people an answer when they ask him a question but Merchan has placed a gag order on him and told him he will go to jail if he violates it. That isn’t going to stop him, Trump said.

“Our Constitution is much more important than jail,” Trump declared. He went on to say that he was going to make that “sacrifice any day.”

During the contempt hearing, Merchan told Trump that the “last thing” he wanted to do was send him to jail because he’s the former and possibly the future president. But he said it was “clear” the fines have not been effective and made it clear he would consider jail time if he continued to violate the court order.

Trump is on trial for 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. He pleaded not guilty to all of the charges against him.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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