Trump Denies Plan to Ban Birth Control

( – America’s culture wars over birth control are the latest battleground for the former president and presumptive 2024 Republican nominee, Donald Trump. In mid-May, he said he was considering restrictions on contraception. Now he’s facing a backlash from liberals and women –- and he’s clarified his position to damp down the criticism.

Trump v. Biden on Birth Control

On May 21, the Biden reelection campaign released a video of an interview Trump had given to Pittsburgh TV station KDKA, but which hadn’t been broadcast. In the discussion, Trump asked about restricting birth control, said, “We’re looking at that,” and promised to have an “interesting” policy on the issue “very shortly.” KDKA didn’t respond when online news site Politico asked when the interview had been recorded.

Faced with worrying poll numbers, the Biden campaign is desperate to land a damaging blow on Trump ahead of the election. Reproductive rights are always a popular cause with their liberal base, and with the overturn of Roe v Wade, Democrats are opposing new abortion laws brought in by many red states. That isn’t a good avenue of attack on Trump himself, though; for example, when Arizona’s supreme court upheld a Civil War-era abortion law in April, Trump said the state had gone “too far,” and the Arizona legislature responded by repealing the law. Now, Biden is focusing on birth control instead.

As president, Trump made some changes to federal grants for birth control programs and reduced pressure on employers to provide contraceptives on employee health insurance –- but he didn’t impose any bans on the medications. Now, the Biden campaign is trying to stoke up fears that, if Trump is elected again, he will bring in bans this time.

The key target of this Democrat attack is the Project 2025 program developed by the conservative Heritage Institute, which urges Trump to crack down on birth control again. However, the nominee and his campaign are pushing back. Campaign officials Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles have already distanced Trump from Project 2025, pointing out that it’s a wishlist promoted by a third party and not an actual Trump campaign policy. In fact, even Project 2025’s authors deny that they want a ban on contraception.

Trump himself blasted the idea within hours of the Biden campaign releasing the interview. In a May 21 post on Truth Social, he condemned the “Democrat fabricated lie, MISINFORMATION/DISINFORMATION,” and promised that he doesn’t support a birth control ban “AND NEITHER WILL THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.”

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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