Texas Representative Henry Cuellar Held at Gunpoint in DC Carjacking

(LibertySons.org) – Another member of Congress has fallen victim to the crime raging across parts of Washington, DC. Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) was recently held at gunpoint as thieves seized his vehicle. The lawmaker didn’t report any injuries resulting from the carjacking, but the suspects responsible remain at large.

Fox News reports that Cuellar was sitting in his car at the cross street of New Jersey and K, Southeast, at roughly 9:32 p.m. when the carjackers rushed him. The area is near the Navy Yard, which has become a hotspot for these types of crimes. DC Metropolitan Police began the investigation, and it will continue to assist Capitol Police as they search for more information in the case.

Violent crime has become a serious issue across numerous parts of Washington, DC, according to Axios. Pockets of heavy activity surround Capitol Hill, putting lawmakers at risk whenever they travel to and from work. Some may not even be safe in their own homes. Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN) was reportedly targeted inside her apartment building in February. She was able to fight off the assailant, who attacked her on an elevator.

The district has become a nightmare for civilian residents as well, many of whom are trying to raise families in the crime-infested neighborhoods. Fox 5 DC states the homicides have risen 37% — or by 155 deaths, for a total of 214 so far this year — and robberies have gone up by 66%. ABC 7 reported on at least six shootings that rocked the district in a 24-hour period on October 1, demanding to know what investigators are doing to tackle the problem.

Cuellar represents the San Antonio southern border region of Texas. POLITICO states that he’s been vocal about the immigration policies of President Joe Biden as well as those of former President Donald Trump, insisting that the former goes too easy on migrants, while the latter went too far in its choice to separate families it caught trying to enter the US illegally.

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