Soros Gets Attacked Over 2007 Op-Ed Expressing Support for Hamas

( – On the morning of October 7, Hamas — a terrorist organization — launched thousands of rockets against Israel. The group followed up that aggression with a coordinated attack by land, sea, and air, starting a war that killed at least 4,400 and injured over 15,900 in both Israel and Palestine so far. Hamas has also reportedly taken hundreds of hostages and has taken no issue with killing innocent civilians — including children. Recently, an unearthed op-ed about the terrorist group penned by a renowned billionaire shocked many.

In March 2007, Soros wrote an article on his own website entitled, “America and Israel Must Open the Door to Hamas.” In the first line, he claimed the Bush administration was making an error by joining the Israeli government in refusing to “recognize a Palestinian unity government that includes Hamas.” He said there was no way to have peace in the Middle East without seeking the group’s support. Soros said the US and Israel were missing an opportunity because the Bush administration was blinded by its absolute focus on the “war on terror.”

In his article, Soros stated there were two divisions within Hamas — the military wing influenced mostly by Syrian and Iranian sponsors — and a political wing elected by the Palestinian people. The billionaire reasoned that portion was “more responsive” to its constituents and would probably have been more moderate if Israel had “accepted the results of the election.”

According to Newsbusters, MRC Business Vice President Dan Schneider recently responded to the 2007 article, given the current situation involving Hamas, Israel, and Palestine. He accused Soros of funding the “most hateful, anti-American and anti-freedom organizations in the world.” However, Schneider didn’t go so far as to mention the specific entities to which he was referring. He only said the groups included “terrorist organizations” bent on ending a “Jewish state.” The source called the article pro-Hamas propaganda.

Newsbusters quoted Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz as saying Soros has caused “more to damage Israel’s standing in the world” than anyone.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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