Over 100 Killed in Bombings Near Iranian General Soleimani’s Tomb

(LibertySons.org) – On the fourth anniversary of the US assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Islamic State (IS) Group claimed responsibility for bombings at the general’s tomb in Kerman on Wednesday, January 3. Unfortunately, hundreds of people had gathered at the site to honor Soleimani. The blasts killed nearly 100 people and injured an untold number of other innocent individuals.

The first blast occurred around 3 p.m. local time along a procession route to the general’s tomb. The second explosion came approximately 15 minutes later, roughly one kilometer south of the initial blast. The individuals behind the attack targeted a portion of the route many of the individuals would have taken to flee the initial carnage from the first blast. Likewise, first responders would have taken that same roadway, albeit traveling in the opposite direction.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei promised “a harsh response” to “Cruel criminals” on Wednesday evening in a televised statement. Before IS claimed responsibility, Mohammad Jamshidi, President Ebrahim Raisi’s political deputy, placed the blame for the deadly bombings at the feet of the United States and Israel.

However, the US categorically denied involvement. Additionally, US intelligence sources told Iran they found no indications that Israel was responsible. However, they did suggest the attacks bore the earmarks of a radical terrorist group, including two suicide bombers who used vests to infiltrate crowds.

The bombings feed mounting concerns surrounding Hamas’ unprecedented attack on Israel in early October 2023. The Sunni-Islamist group mounted a series of near-simultaneous land, sea, and air attacks on Israeli territories, resulting in thousands of deaths and injuries.

Military experts and government officials have openly talked about the possibility that the ongoing Israel/Hamas War could spread throughout the region. Some have even theorized the entire Middle East could get pulled into open combat if things don’t de-escalate soon.

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