OpenAI Bans Bot Impersonating Presidential Candidate Dean Phillips

( – Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) is challenging President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination. A super PAC supporting the candidate recently created a chatbot impersonating him. Now, OpenAI has banned the bot.

We Deserve Better, the super PAC, contracted with AI start-up Delphi to create a ChatGPT-powered bot. Jed Somers and Matt Krisiloff, the founders of the super PAC, wanted a bot that pretended to be Phillips. Supporters could find it on the site.

According to the bot website, it was an AI voice bot for Phillips that allowed voters to speak to it. The notice claimed it was “meant to be a fun educational tool” and sounded like the congressman. Its creators programmed it to answer by using the congressman’s ideas but said that the bot could say things that were “wrong, incorrect, or shouldn’t be said.” The website warned visitors to take its “answers with a grain of salt.”

After reading the notice, visitors to the site were prompted to confirm they understood the bot’s limitations before proceeding further. On Monday, January 22, a message notified visitors that the site was “[e]xperiencing technical difficulties” and that the bot “is away campaigning right now.” That’s because OpenAI suspended Delphi’s account on Friday, and Dean Bot was taken down.

The Washington Post reported Lindsey Held, OpenAI’s spokeswoman, said the company’s users have to follow its “usage policies,” and they suspended Delphi’s account because the developer was “knowingly violating [its] API usage policies which disallow political campaigning” or impersonating someone without their consent.

Dara Ladjevardian, the co-founder of Delphi, told The WaPo that the company mistakenly believed that a super PAC supporting the candidate would be allowed to make a clone of him.

Experts said that had the PAC been allowed to continue using the bot, it would have been dangerous because it might have lulled people into accepting the tool, even when disclaimers were in place.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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