Nikki Haley Demands RNC Vote to Stop Covering Trump’s Legal Fees

( – Currently, former President Donald Trump is facing multiple cases against him, some criminal and others civil. In order to defend himself in the courts, the previous US leader has amassed a slew of legal bills. According to the Associated Press, a hefty chunk of those fees have been paid with campaign funds. A recent call by GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley urged members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) to ensure it will not cover Trump’s legal fees going forward.

On February 28, The Washington Times reported that the former South Carolina governor asked RNC committee members to hold a public vote on a resolution to stop the party from giving any funding to Trump for his legal fees. During a recent campaign event in Utah, she said Republicans, and all Americans, “deserve to know how the RNC is going to spend their money.” She added that the people should know if the committee is paying the former president’s legal bills.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel is stepping down on March 8, and several people who support Trump are likely to fill the void. One of those people is the former US leader’s daughter-in-law, and the other is Trump supporter Chris LaCivita as chief operations officer. According to The Washington Times, LaCivita already said the RNC would not pay the candidate’s legal fees. But Haley isn’t convinced. She doesn’t want to rely on verbal promises but wants a more formal commitment from the RNC.

Yahoo! News reported that the committee is set to meet on March 8 to select a new chair when McDaniel steps down. There will also likely be a vote on two resolutions at that time. One deals with presidential candidates coordinating with the RNC, and the other involves paying candidate’s legal fees. The Trump campaign reportedly called the proposals “absurd.” It’s unclear how the members will vote.

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