Nikki Haley Condemns Joy Reid’s Racially Divisive Remarks on MSNBC

( – January 15 in Iowa marked the first in a long line of primaries and caucuses around the country who will appear on the general election presidential ticket. Former President Donald Trump came out victorious that evening. MSNBC host Joy Reid seemed to conclude that his win was more about his skin color, and she couldn’t imagine the “anti-immigrant” GOP electing a “brown lady.”

On January 16, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley appeared on Fox News and addressed Reid’s stance. “Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade asked Haley if she agreed with Reid’s assessment of the race. She responded that the MSNBC host “lives in a different America” than she does. The former UN ambassador said that, yes, she’s a “brown girl,” but she’s also proof that the American dream is still alive and well in the US.

Kilmeade then asked Haley if she thought the GOP was a “racist party,” to which she responded with an emphatic “no.” The candidate also added that the US is “not a racist country” and has “never been a racist country.” Still, Haley admitted she faced racism herself, growing up in South Carolina, but “it’s a lot better than it was then.”

Instead of division, the presidential hopeful said she wants to show her children that no matter their color or gender, they can be anything or do anything they want in America. Haley said that’s why she’s running for president. She went on to say that there is too much chaos right now in America, and her mission is to “get us back on track where everybody loves America again.”

The next round of voting happens on January 23 in New Hampshire. According to average polling reported by FiveThirtyEight on January 17, Trump is leading the state with 45.6% support, followed by Haley with 33.1%. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is only polling at 5.4% for the state.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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