Missouri ‘Freedom Caucus’ Leaders Removed from Senate Leadership for Obstructive Tactics

(LibertySons.org) – An ongoing feud within the Missouri Senate recently came to a head after the Freedom Caucus, a relatively new group of ultra-conservatives, pulled an 11-hour filibuster in an attempt to manipulate the system in their favor. Four state leaders lost their committee chair positions as well as their prime parking spots as a result of the move, but the war is far from over.

The Missouri Capitol fell into chaos on January 18, when Freedom Caucus members fought for over two hours to pass a bill that would add roadblocks to passing constitutional amendments via petitions. The final vote came in at 7 to 25 against the measure, leading four within the minority to hold the rest of the proceedings hostage.

Members were supposed to confirm 25 state-appointed public servants along with numerous reappointments, but instead, they sat through hours upon hours of grievances. Senate President Pro Tem Caleb Rowden, chair of the Committee on Gubernatorial Appointments, withdrew his motion to confirm the governor’s appointees, ending the filibuster at around 9 p.m. He noted his disappointment in the four members’ decision to disrupt the confirmation of people who wanted to serve their state simply because the previous vote didn’t go their way.

The fear of a petition-based ballot arising to enable abortion rights is at the root of the battle, according to the Missouri Independent. Republicans are afraid residents will use the current regulations to create a measure that, if voted in, would cement the controversial procedure into state law. Some are apparently willing to overhaul the entire system — removing citizens’ rights to bring issues to the ballot — to ensure such a vote never happens.

Sens. Rick Brattin, Bill Eigel, Denny Hoskins, and Andrew Koenig ultimately lost their committee chair positions over the stunt. They also lost their privileged parking spots, reportedly reassigned to the farthest reaches of the Missouri Capitol building’s attached lot. Eigel indicated that he and others on his side would continue to fight against “the swamp.”

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