Kamala Harris Alarms Over US Freedom Risk in MLK Speech

(LibertySons.org) – President Joe Biden faces tough reelection prospects. For months, reports have indicated he’s losing ground with people of color. Vice President Kamala Harris used her speech on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to scare black people into voting for the president in November.

On January 15, Harris spoke at the NAACP’s annual King Day event in Columbia, South Carolina. She told attendees that freedom was under a “profound threat” by the Republican Party. She cited the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade, GOP book bans, long voting lines, and gun violence. She said they were all witnessing an attack on the freedoms others had already fought and won for them.

Harris pointed out to the audience that their former governor and a current GOP presidential candidate, Nikki Haley, didn’t cite slavery recently when she was asked about the cause of the Civil War. She accused Republicans of trying to ignore and rewrite history.

The vice president quoted Coretta Scott King, MLK Jr.’s late widow, saying, “Freedom is never truly won.” Every generation must “earn it and win it.” She asked voters to “roll up [their] sleeves” and get to work, telling them they “were born for a time” like this.

Harris’ speech comes at a time when her reelection campaign is in danger, in part because she and Biden are having a hard time reaching black people. As the first VP of color, it would be a major blow if they lost the black vote for the Democratic Party. In 2020, Biden and Harris won the support of 92% of African Americans. In December, USA Today reported a GenForward poll found 17% of them would cast their ballots for Trump if the electron were held that day. In October, a poll from The New York Times and Siena College found Trump would receive 22% from black voters in six important battleground states.

If polling is correct, Harris has a reason to be afraid.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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