Judicial Nominee Requests White House to Withdraw Her Nomination

(LibertySons.org) – On August 23, 2023, President Joe Biden announced four nominations for various district court appointments around the nation. One of the nominees was attorney Colleen Holland, who the president slated for a seat in the US District Court for the Western District of New York. While waiting for confirmation from the Senate, Holland decided to withdraw her name from consideration.

On January 9, The Hill reported that Holland said the reason for her withdrawal and request that the White House not re-nominate her was personal. She did not elaborate but said she gave the matter “careful consideration.” Holland was reportedly recommended for the position by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who released a statement after the former nominee withdrew her name. The lawmaker said he “respect[ed] Ms. Holland’s decision,” thanked her for her continued service, and promised to “move expeditiously” with the Biden administration to nominate someone else.

Holland, a career law clerk working under US District Court Chief Judge Elizabeth Wolford since 2018, was the second nomination from August 2023 to back out of the process. According to the HuffPost, Charnelle Bjelkengren also withdrew her name from consideration, asking not to be re-nominated — just like Holland.

Biden announced his intent to nominate Bjelkengren for the US District Court for the Eastern District of Washington in September 2022. In January 2023, the nominee reportedly drew blanks on questions during her confirmation hearing in front of the Senate, raising questions about her qualifications. Bjelkengren has been a judge in the Washington State Superior Court since 2019 and has an extensive history in law. A spokesperson for Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), who recommended the nominee, would work quickly to make another recommendation.

While Bjelkengren’s withdrawal after the Senate hearing was not a surprise, Holland’s move was unexpected and a bit more mysterious. Her confirmation hearing had not been scheduled.

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