Judge Temporarily Blocks Removal of Razor Wire by Federal Officials

(LibertySons.org) – Texas Republicans led by Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have waged a two-plus year battle against Biden Administration border policies and an incoming flood of migrants, forcing Abbott to establish Operation Lonestar in March 2021. On October 30, a federal judge in the Western District of Texas handed Texas leaders an initial victory when she granted them a temporary injunction against the federal government, preventing the destruction or removal of walls of concertina wire at the border with a notable exception for the preservation of human health and life.

Operation Lonestar has implemented several strategies, including deploying more than 70,000 rolls of concertina wire in locations along the border. Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection agents argued such measures interfered with their ability to perform their duties, including protecting the lives and health of both immigrants and their own personnel. To that end, they began cutting the razor-wire walls and using heavy equipment in some cases to move the dangerous obstructions to allow them to render medical aid and take migrants into custody.

However, Abbott and Paxton argued the destruction of Texas state property became habitual, proactive, and intentional, so they sued in Federal court for a remedy. Judge Alia Moses has provided relief until November 13, when her order expires. She scheduled a November 7 hearing on the case and could make the injunction permanent, depending upon the outcome.

The lawsuit is just one aspect of a greater ongoing battle between Texas state leaders and the Biden administration. Abbott argued federal policies that allowed more than 2.8 million border encounters in fiscal year 2023, which ended in September, compared with 2.4 million in FY 2022, show the administration has completely lost control of the Southwestern border.

In response, GOP border governors like Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis have undertaken defense mechanisms like building walls or transporting migrants to Democratic-led sanctuary cities at their own expense. Yet, they argue their states can’t afford to keep replacing those measures that federal agencies remove or destroy, nor can their constituents support the continued influx of migrants into their communities.

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