Judge Alito Refuses to Recuse from Supreme Court Cases

(LibertySons.org) – Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has taken a lot of flack from the press over the last year. Most recently, the media reported that his house flew an upside-down American flag, which signals distress, before President Joe Biden’s inauguration. The justice has now indicated he has no intention of giving in to pressure from Democrats.

On May 29, Alito sent letters to Democrats in the House and Senate refusing to recuse himself from two cases involving former President Donald Trump. Democratic lawmakers previously wrote Chief Justice John Roberts and asked him to take steps to ensure the associate justice recused himself from cases related to the January 6 attack and Trump v. United States. 

Democrats cited two instances that they believe showed Alito was biased. The first was the upside-down American flag, a symbol many of the January 6 protesters carried as well. The second incident happened at his beach house on the Jersey Shore. The Alitos flew the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which has also become a symbol of a movement to make the US a Christian theocracy. The flag was also seen on January 6 during the attack on the US Capitol.

Alito told lawmakers that neither of the incidents “meet the conditions for recusal,” and he’s obligated to hear the cases. The justice argued that his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, was the one who turned the American flag upside down, not him. He stated that she’s a private citizen who is entitled to exercise her First Amendment rights.

As for the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, Alito claimed his wife is to blame for that, too because she erected the flagpoles on both properties. He said, “My wife is fond of flying flags. I am not.”

The day after Alito notified Congress that he would not recuse himself, Chief Justice Roberts also rejected the Left’s demands to meet to discuss Alito. In a letter to Senate lawmakers, the chief justice said that it would not be appropriate to meet with “leaders of only one party who have expressed an interest in matters” before the court.

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