James Comer Promises To Expose Biden Family, Demands Answers

(LibertySons.org) – President Biden is already struggling in the polls, with just over a year to go to the election. Now, his problems could be about to get a lot worse. An influential House committee chairman is stepping up his efforts to unravel the Biden family’s complicated business dealings –- and he’s determined to get some answers.

Is The Biden Family Selling Influence?

Representative James Comey (R-KY) is the chairman of the powerful House Oversight Committee, and he’s set himself the task of working out how exactly President Biden is involved in his family’s extensive and often opaque business deals. Many Republicans suspect the president’s son Hunter and his brother James have used their connections to Biden to negotiate deals. The president denies this, saying he’s never been involved in his family’s business affairs, but Comey isn’t so sure, and he’s determined to get to the bottom of it.

Right now, Comey is focused on a payment Biden received from his brother in 2018. It was a check for $200,000 –- and it was sent on the same day as James was paid the same amount by a US medical company. He’d promised to find the company an investor in the Middle East, and Comer suspects he earned the payment by promising to use his older brother’s contacts and influence. James Biden denies that; he claims the check was to repay a loan. However, so far, Comer hasn’t found any records of that loan. Even worse, when the hospital company filed for bankruptcy last year, it also sued James Biden, saying he’d obtained a total of $600,000 from them by claiming his name would “open doors” and promising to “obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

Comer Wants Evidence

Despite this damning evidence, the Bidens are still claiming the $200,000 was a loan repayment, but the Oversight Committee simply doesn’t believe them. Comer says he’s obtained financial records that show “numerous large incoming transactions” into James Biden’s and his wife’s accounts, but what they don’t include is any sign of a large loan from Joe Biden. Now, he’s asking for evidence that this loan actually existed. If the president can’t prove that it did, he’s going to be open to fresh accusations that his family were trading on his political power. With former president Donald Trump running neck and neck with him in the polls, that could spell the end of his time in the White House.

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