Hur Claims Biden Suffers from Cognitive Impairment

( – Special Counsel Robert Hur recently submitted a report on his investigation into President Joe Biden. The US leader had been in hot water over classified documents recovered from his private offices, but the prosecutor let Biden off the hook, infuriating conservatives. Still, his decision turned out to be a double-edged sword that has Democrats fuming as well: Hur also claims Biden suffers from cognitive impairment.

Hur submitted a 388-page report on his findings on February 5. The document acknowledges the many instances where Biden failed to comply with procedure and kept documents that he understood to be classified. The commander-in-chief also kept notebooks from his time as vice president, which he kept in a safe throughout the term. He later stored those in unlocked drawers and shared the information they contained with his ghost writer, Mark Zwonitzer, who is apparently writing a book for the president.

The report concludes that despite Biden’s breaks in protocol, Hur believes prosecution would be difficult. One of his biggest defenses is the president’s mental fitness. He states that getting a jury to convict a former president who is so advanced in age would be close to impossible, noting that Biden would likely come across as “sympathetic,” “elderly,” and suffering from a “poor memory.”

Hur’s findings could have serious impacts moving forward, backing observations many people have shared that Biden may not be mentally fit to lead the country for another four years. The New York Times reports that the president’s allies accused the Republican prosecutor of “smear[ing]” him in an effort to help former President Donald Trump.

Hur recently defended his report, insisting that he approached the case from a nonpartisan standpoint. Evidence for his moderate stance is his willingness to condemn Trump, as well, over the “several material distinctions” he found between the two presidents’ cases.

Most significant is Hur’s observation that Biden cooperated fully when officials moved to collect the documents in his possession, while the 45th commander-in-chief repeatedly failed to comply with investigators’ requests. Whether Hur’s report will have any impact on either candidate’s standing at the polls remains to be seen.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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