Hayden Allegedly Suggests Harming Tuberville

(LibertySons.org) – The presidential administration relies on Congress to help pass its nominations and fill prominent roles. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)has put a hold on all military confirmations in protest of the Pentagon’s abortion policy. That has led some to suggest that he be ousted from the Senate Armed Services Committee. However, when his position was called into question on social media, a former CIA director responded in a way that drew concern.

On Monday, October 9, a user on X, formerly Twitter, posted General Michael Hayden’s response to the question: “Should Tommy Tuberville be removed from his committee?” Hayden left a question of his own, “How about the human race?” Some took this as the former CIA and NSA director calling for the senator’s assassination — and the backlash was swift.

Tuberville released a statement on October 10 that his office “has reported this incident to the Capitol Police.” The Alabama senator pointed to “Hayden’s long career in Washington” as proof that he knew “he was committing a serious crime” in making the “disgusting” comment and that he should be prosecuted.

The senator took it further, calling out Democrats for not condemning Hayden’s statement and noting that their “deafening silence” is proof they don’t care about America’s democracy. The same day Tuberville’s statement came out on the matter, Hayden posted again, saying he was surprised by the take on it, but nevertheless, he was standing firmly behind his initial view.

Tuberville is still holding strong that he will not move forward with any military confirmations in a bloc despite the ongoing escalation in Israel. He says that his failure to move forward is not affecting readiness, and Democrats are simply trying to “change the subject.” The Senate can still confirm military personnel, but they have to do so in a tedious process that involves voting on each one individually.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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