Haley Seals the Deal in Dixville Notch, NH Primary

(LibertySons.org) – Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is the only Republican still running against 45th President Donald Trump. She was hoping to beat him in New Hampshire. Although she didn’t win the state, she did sweep one town.

Dixville Notch is located deep in the Great North Woods Region of New Hampshire. The unincorporated town is in Coos County. In the 2020 Census, there were only four people living in the town, but the population has increased to six.

The town is known for holding its presidential primary at midnight on primary day, a tradition that dates back to the 1960s. It’s also always the first to report its results. This time around, Haley won all six of the votes in the town. Four of the voters were registered Republicans, and the other two were Independents.

Usually, the voting in Dixville Notch takes place at the Balsams Resort, but the hotel is currently undergoing reservations. This year, the residents voted in the living room of the Tillotson House. They were greeted by hordes of reporters.

Les Otten, the main owner of the Balsams Resort, told NPR that he was excited to cast his ballot. He called the primary “special,” saying that the town was an example of what every community should look like: “100% participation, everybody votes.” He explained that nobody in Dixville Notch could complain about the result of the election because they all voted.

The business owner also disputed claims that his state’s primary fell flat this year because Republican Ron DeSantis quit the campaign at the last minute and President Joe Biden wasn’t on the ballot. He pointed out that the primary always boils down to just a couple of people, and they had “two viable candidates on the Republican side.”

When the day was over, Trump was leading in New Hampshire by more than 50%. However, Haley managed to get over 44%.

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