Graham Raises Alarm About Potential Attack Comparable to 9/11

( – The October 7 Hamas attack on Isreal has brought US security concerns into sharp focus for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). While President Joe Biden’s open-border policy has bothered Graham since the president took office, he could prioritize certain security aspects higher, like the need to fund the fight in Ukraine, until the attack by Hamas. On Sunday, December 17, he discussed his concerns about the potential for a new attack on the US comparable to the 9/11 attack.

Graham spoke with Kristen Welker of “Meet the Press” on Sunday for a lively back and forth on policy. He told her the nation must prioritize border security above foreign aid right now to prevent a domestic terror attack like the country saw over 20 years ago.

He referred to a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting from December 6 in which FBI Director Christopher Wray told Graham he saw blinking red lights everywhere he turned in answer to Graham’s question about whether the Director was seeing warning signs similar to the ones the nation missed before the 9/11 attack. Graham stated and repeated that Biden had “obliterated” the border since January 2021. The Senator emphasized that the administration could not continue the same border policies in a heightened security environment.

When Welker asked Graham whether the measures he was proposing would shut down asylum for families running for their lives, Graham answered that the system would typically deny 90% of people who claimed asylum. The senator told the NBC host that most people weren’t running for their lives; they were simply running because the border was open.

Graham emphasized he is willing to help Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan and that helping those nations will boost US national security and global security. He also admitted that passing all the provisions contained within HR 2, the House Border Resolution, was unreasonable but said he believed the Senate could reach a compromise with the House as long as real and enforceable border security policies were in place.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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