GOP Accuses Biden Of Blocking Justice in Son’s Subpoena Case

( – Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s only surviving son, defied a Congressional subpoena to appear before a closed-door session of the House Oversight Committee and its chair, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), on December 13. Instead, he held a press conference outside of the Capitol that morning to offer his public testimony.

Based on remarks that day by White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre indicating the president likely knew what his son planned to say ahead of time, GOP leaders Comer and House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) wrote a letter on December 27 suggesting the president had participated in a conspiracy to impede their impeachment inquiry by directing or encouraging his son to defy the subpoena.

Events Up to and Including December 13

For weeks ahead of the scheduled deposition, Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, traded letters with Comer, telling him that his client was willing to testify in an open hearing but not behind closed doors. Lowell cited previous instances of leaked testimony and examples of GOP committee members misconstruing testimony until the committee released video or transcripts.

Lowell said Hunter Biden feared that without an immediate public record of the questions and answers, Republican leaders would use the premise of his testimony to smear his father politically. Media outlets reported on the content of the letters that Lowell and Comer exchanged, potentially telegraphing Biden’s actions.

Comer insisted that the committee required Hunter Biden to depose himself in a closed-door session. He accused Biden of asking for special accommodation, trying to bend the rules, and avoiding his legal obligation. He threatened to indict Biden for Contempt of Congress if he refused to comply.

On December 13, after Hunter Biden’s presser, Jean-Pierre held her daily White House press conference. A reporter asked if the president had watched his son’s press event. The press secretary answered in a drawn-out fashion that the POTUS was “familiar” with what his son planned to say.

Smoking Gun?

In their letter to Edward Siskel, the White House Counsel and the president’s assistant, Comer and Jordan zeroed in on Jean-Pierre’s “official statement” that the president knew in advance that his son would defy two congressional subpoenas. They suggested that perhaps the president engaged in a conspiracy with his son to obstruct their official impeachment inquiry, itself an impeachable offense if proven true.

They demanded that the White House provide them with all communications between Hunter Biden and White House officials regarding House depositions between January 2021 and December 27, 2023. They also demanded all communications referring to statements made by President Biden about his family’s business associates on December 6, 2023. They gave the White House until January 10, 2024, to comply.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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