Gary Sinise’s Son Passes Away After Battle with Cancer

( – The year 2018 was a challenging time for actor Gary Sinise’s family. In June of that year, his wife Moira found out she had breast cancer. Two months later, the couple’s son, Mac Sinise, was diagnosed with a very rare cancer — chordoma. He fought the disease for more than five long years until his body couldn’t fight anymore.

On February 28, the BBC reported that the actor’s son died from the cancer in January. He was 33 years old. A graduate of the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music, the young Sinise was an extremely talented drummer. He even sat in to play with his father’s band, the Lt. Dan Band, when their regular drummer wasn’t available. In Gary Sinise’s tribute to his boy, he said Mac had been beating on the drums since he was nine. The actor said he cherished those moments with his son “rockin’ out together for the troops.”

According to the Cleveland Clinic, chordoma is a malignant and rare bone tumor that grows either in a person’s spine or the base of the skull. In Mac Sinise’s case, the initial tumor was in his spine, and doctors removed it in September 2018. Five months later, he underwent another spinal surgery to clear up what appeared to be an infection. However, a follow-up scan showed the chordoma was back with a vengeance. With each surgery, the actor’s son lost more and more of his mobility. The clinic noted that chordomas typically come back after treatment and can spread in 30% to 40% of cases. Mac’s was one such case. Chordomas reportedly affect only one in one million people in the US.

The long-time actor said his son submitted a string arrangement and a harmonica piece that was collaborated together to make an entire album called “Resurrection & Revival.” Mac died surrounded by his family, happy he was able to share his music with the world.

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