Former ‘Never Trump’ Voters Back Trump Post-Conviction

( – A jury in New York convicted former President Donald Trump of falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment made by his attorney to an adult film star. The historic verdict makes him the first president ever convicted in a criminal trial, and now has 34 felonies on his record. His conviction has allegedly caused some voters to support his candidacy.

In the hours after the guilty verdict was handed down, Americans donated tens of millions of dollars to his campaign. The former president’s campaign claimed approximately 30% of the donations came from people who hadn’t given him money in the past. The Free Press set out to find out who was giving Trump money and supporting him in the wake of the verdict. Some of them were Never Trumpers.

Adam Mortara, a University of Chicago Law School lecturer, told the website that he gave the former president’s campaign $3,300 after the verdict. He claimed he didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020 but believes that if he wins in 2024, he might have a “deterrent effect” on weaponizing the criminal justice system.

Jack MacGuire, who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 and neither candidate in 2020, said he’s now “all in with the MAGA people because this has to end.” Emery Barter, a Clinton voter in 2016 and Biden voter in 2020, said that Trump doesn’t scare him. Kate Nitti, a “lifelong Democrat,” said she started turning against the Dems during the lockdowns, and now she might vote for the former president.

Stay-at-home dad Daniel Kotzin voted for Clinton in 2016 and the Libertarian in 2020 but said Trump is now the “best option.” Like the others, he was appalled by the verdict in the criminal case. “The persecution of Trump is what decided for me because it made me think that perhaps he is different,” he told the Free Press.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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