Ex-Supporter of Biden and Bernie Abandons Democrats and Switches to the GOP

(LibertySons.org) – Many voters and activists have reexamined their political beliefs in the last four years. In some cases, people have simply reprioritized their values and recognized that, politically, they needed to make a change that made more sense to them. Will Pierce, a Democratic activist who was once a “true believer,” recently chose to abandon the Democratic party and join the GOP after reexamining his ideals.

Pierce explained his decision in an editorial for the Daily Caller on December 11. After spending years as a dedicated, loyal Democrat who once spearheaded Joe Biden’s exploration into whether to run for the 2015 Democratic presidential nomination and oversaw campaign efforts as a senior advisor to Sen. Bernie Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 elections, Pierce said he’s seen the party’s direction and focus change.

He saw an “utter disconnect” between party leadership and everyday people. Where he believed the party once catered to the working class, now he feels it panders to elites, leaving most Americans as afterthoughts. Democrats’ policies on education and parental involvement have especially filtered his viewpoint. He strongly disagrees with the party’s sacrifice of foundational science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in favor of “progressive ideology.”

Pierce, a Black American, also expressed concern about the party’s shift toward identity politics, shifting away from “judging individuals by their character.” Politically, he realized he prioritized “addition, not division,” and he wanted to work with political ideals to unite Americans rather than divide them by their differences.

Additionally, the activist has realized the importance of dissent without fear of retribution and the need to broach difficult political conversations openly while trying to understand an opponent’s viewpoint.

Finally, Pierce’s viewpoint regarding personal and public fiscal responsibility has shifted significantly. He can’t see a way forward with the Democratic tax and spend policies and the enormous national debt they’ve incurred while the nation continues trying to police, protect, feed, clothe, and cure others around the globe while ignoring domestic needs and burdening future generations with inexcusable debt.

The former Democrat hopes the Republican party will show him “a new path forward” where he can make valuable contributions to the future.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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