Eight Republicans Turn On Rep Greene’s Vote for Mayorkas Impeachment

(LibertySons.org) – Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has built a reputation as a firebrand and agitator. Since the 118th Congressional session began in January 2023, she’s tried to rally support to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas three different times. On November 13, she introduced her most recent effort, House Resolution 863, as a privileged matter with 15 Cosponsors, the most support she’s garnered on any of her impeachment efforts. Yet, eight Republicans voted with Democrats to refer Greene’s resolution to the committee.

Greene posted a video to X, formerly Twitter, expressing her disappointment and frustration. She called her colleagues’ choice “unbelievable” and complained that they had essentially killed the resolution because she called committees “where articles of impeachment go to die.”

Despite Greene’s criticisms, Reps. Cliff Bentz (R-OR), Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Dale Issa (R-CA), Patrick McHenry (R-NC), Mike Turner (R-OH), John Duarte (R-CA), Tom McClintock (R-CA), and Ken Buck (R-CO) each explained their reasoning for voting to refer her resolution to the House Committee on Homeland Security, chaired by Rep. Mark Green (R-TN). Most even agreed with Greene that Mayorkas has a dismal record as a cabinet secretary.

For instance, in a statement, Bentz said he wanted to impeach and convict Mayorkas. However, he argued that the path Greene took would have given the Democrat-led Senate “a political out” to dismiss the impeachment case against Mayorkas because the resolution didn’t follow typical protocol. In her statement, Foxx echoed that procedural argument.

Issa argued for following a more typical procedure where a House Committee gathers evidence and statements before referring a vote to the full House. McHenry’s statement expressed his belief in the importance of following “regular order” so as not to cheapen the impeachment process as he charged Democrats had done under former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Turner told Fox News that although the vote upset Greene, “No one voted to kill an impeachment inquiry.” Like several others, he referred to the typical impeachment process of investigating Mayorkas in the Homeland Security Committee and allowing the committee chair to refer the issue back for a full House vote if the Committee finds enough evidence to convict.

Duarte issued a statement expressing his frustration with Greene’s waste of valuable time by circumventing the typical impeachment process while the House faced a deadline to fund the government.

While neither Buck nor McClintock approved of how Mayorkas was performing his job, neither Congress member felt the secretary had committed treason or a high crime as they understood that term. McClintock issued a statement. Buck Spoke with Fox News on Monday evening, saying he strongly disagreed with the administration’s border policies and Mayorkas’s enforcement of them, “but it’s not a high crime or misdemeanor.”

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