Convict Attacks Nevada Judge

( – Seeing the person she was about to sentence to prison come flying at her, nearly parallel to the ground and high enough to clear her desk and computer monitor with hands outstretched for her neck, was probably not on Judge Mary Kay Holthus’s list of things to experience in the New Year. Fortunately, the 62-year-old jurist reacted quickly, partially ducking the attack, and her courtroom staff, including her bailiff and court clerk, immediately came to her aid.

On Wednesday, January 3, Holthus was trying the case of Doebra Redden, 30, and discussing his long rap sheet with him. She was explaining why she wasn’t inclined to release him on probation with three convictions, a violent past, and repeated arrests. Redden, there on assault charges stemming from an April incident during which he threatened to break another man’s kneecaps, argued he had his mind “in a better place” and didn’t feel he deserved to go back to jail. Yet, he conceded the judge would do what she thought was best, according to NBC News.

As soon as Holthus made her intent to return him to prison clear, Redden cursed her and then rushed the bench, easily clearing it, trying to reach the judge. He later allegedly told jailers he was trying to kill the judge because she was “evil,” and he believed she had a score to settle with him, according to reports. He also said the incident occurred because he had “a bad day,” and he apologized to the detention officers for his outburst.

Holthus’s quick reaction helped her avoid the brunt of Redden’s attack, but he caught her hair and slammed her against the wall behind her bench. He also knocked her head on the floor once and pulled out a hunk of hair. The judge told police her attacker was “big, strong, and angry” and said she curled up in a fetal position under her desk once she escaped his grasp.

A family member transported her to the hospital later that evening because of persistent pain. Marshal Shane Brandon required 25 stitches for a facial laceration received in the fight with Redden to save the judge. Brandon also dislocated a shoulder during the struggle. Law clerk Michael Lasso received several cuts to his hand during the fight. He jumped in to help the judge and assist Brandon in subduing Redden.

Facing up to seven new charges before Judge Diana Sullivan, Redden can expect to begin a new legal journey on January 9. However, Judge Holthus has unfinished business with him on January 8, when she will finally pronounce the sentence in his case.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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