Congress Plans Presidential Ethics Overhaul Led by Unlikely Lawmakers

( – Presidential candidates generally release their tax returns to the public while running for office and after being elected. However, there’s no law requiring them to do so. An unlikely duo is trying to change that.

On May 22, Reps. Katie Porter (D-CA) and James Comer (R-KY) introduced the Presidential Ethics Reform Act, which would create more transparency in the executive branch. The bill would require presidential and vice presidential candidates to release their tax returns during the campaign and after they leave office.

The legislation is intended to curb foreign influence in American politics and increase Congress’ oversight of presidential ethics. Some political pundits thought it was directed at former President Donald Trump because he refused to make his returns public. Porter shut that narrative down.

“It’s not a bill about any past president,” Porter said. She explained that both she and Comer agree the bill is about the country’s future and “restoring trust in government.”

Comer does care about presidential behavior while in office. He launched an impeachment inquiry into whether President Joe Biden profited from his family’s business dealings with foreign entities or helped them in any way. Republicans have released records showing family members of the president received more than $15 million from foreign entities from 2014 to 2019. However, they have not found evidence tying President Biden to the money.

The bill would require presidents to disclose whether they’ve received payments from a foreign government, loans, or gifts. They would have to disclose to Congress when family members travel with them on official trips. It would also force the disclosure of loans made to their immediate family members.

Those provisions are clearly related to Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. Comer said that he supports the legislation because he wants to ensure “presidents, vice presidents, and their family members cannot profit from their proximity to power.”

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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