Boebert Undergoes Surgery, Diagnosed With Rare Condition.

( – Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has had emergency surgery after being admitted to hospital. Doctors operated to remove a blood clot from her leg. It turns out she suffers from a rare medical condition affecting a vein in her pelvis.

Boebert Complains of Swelling, Gets Surgery

In the afternoon of April 1, Boebert was admitted to the University of Colorado’s medical center in Loveland, Colorado, after suffering from severe swelling in her left leg. She was given a CT scan, which found a blood clot in her iliac vein. Doctors diagnosed May-Thurner syndrome, a rare disease that’s around three times as common in women as in men.

The disease is often mistaken for deep vein thrombosis because the symptoms — which include pain and swelling in the left leg — are similar. Doctors aren’t clear what causes the condition, but spending too long sitting down, travel, and dehydration is one suspect. It’s also more common in women aged 20-45 who have children.

After finding the clot in Boebert’s leg, doctors recommended surgery to remove it. That was carried out on April 2; the clot was successfully removed, and a stent was inserted to keep the vein opening.

In a statement, Boebert’s campaign team said she’s been ordered to rest after the procedure, but she’s expected to make a full recovery. Now that the procedure has been treated, there should be no long-term health concerns, and Boebert will be able to continue her congressional career with “no hindrance.” Dr Rebecca Bade of the UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies confirmed that, saying that May-Thurner sufferers who have surgery can continue their lives as before.

The release included a statement from Boebert herself, who thanked the medical team and said she was looking forward to “getting back to Congress to continue fighting for Colorado.” Right now, Boebert is gearing up for a Republican primary for Colorado’s 4th Congressional District.

The congresswoman currently represents the state’s 3rd District, but in December 2023, she announced that she planned to switch districts and run to replace Representative Ken Buck (R-CO), who resigned from the House on March 22.

There’s a special election to replace Buck on June 25, and Boebert hasn’t entered the primary for that. Instead, she’s entered the regular primary for the November election. She’ll be running against Greg Lopez, the GOP nominee for the special election, who’s very likely to win the seat –- Buck got 74% of the district’s vote in 2022. After her successful surgery, Boebert is still on course to challenge him.

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