Biden Humiliated for Apparent Disorientation During Veterans Day Ceremony

( – President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden honored the nation’s veterans on November 11 with a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. Yet, controversy struck again as critics mocked the president for not knowing where to stand after placing the wreath and his seeming disorientation during the ceremony.

After receiving assistance placing the wreath, Biden paused for a few moments in reverence or prayer and crossed himself before stepping back toward the group that included the vice president. Yet, after a moment, he seemed to change his mind and turned to address the officer who had assisted him with the wreath.

It’s unclear whether Biden was seeking direction or thanking the soldier, but the officer, following protocol, extended his hand toward the group and waited until the president had rejoined the other dignitaries before returning to his honor guard unit, signaling a trumpeter to begin playing Taps.

In response to a shorter video clip posted on X, formerly Twitter, by the RNC Research account, one user dryly joked that POTUS’s behavior was “Quite reassuring while we’re on the brink of WWIII,” referring to the situation in Israel and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Another poster asked, “Can you imagine @joebiden leading America during World War II?”

Vice President Kamala Harris and Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough joined the president and first lady for the wreath ceremony and accompanied them to the Old Guard’s presentation of colors and remarks the president gave.

Biden spoke about the sacrifices that the 1%, the veterans who serve the nation and protect it, made for the 99% and for generations to come. He vowed to support veterans with apolitical, bipartisan programs. He went on to announce two new programs.

The first would expand the benefits of the PACT Act to toxin-exposed veterans from any past conflict starting in March 2024. Secondly, the administration is launching an initiative to protect veterans from becoming victims of scams.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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