Biden Breaks Tradition, Skips New Hampshire Primary Ballot

( – When it comes to presidential primaries, there’s been a century-long tradition that New Hampshire kicks off the season, with the Iowa caucuses following immediately behind. However, for years, Democrats have indicated that the two states aren’t representative of the voter populace and have called for change. This year, President Joe Biden introduced a new calendar that would see South Carolina holding the first primary, and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) approved it in February. Now, his campaign has confirmed he’s breaking the longstanding tradition.

On Tuesday, October 24, Biden’s re-election campaign wrote to the New Hampshire Democratic Party chair, Ray Buckley, noting that while Biden “wishes to participate,” his obligation to his party means that he must “comply with the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2024 Democratic National Convention.” Since New Hampshire has a law that requires it to hold the first-in-nation primaries and refused to overturn the law, that means his name will not be on the primary ballot. People can still, however, write in his name.

The reason for the calendar change centers on how Democrats view the two lead-in states, Iowa and New Hampshire, as unrepresentative of the Democratic Party. The regions consist mostly of white voters, while the Left relies heavily on minorities. South Carolina and Nevada are more indicative of the populace, and nearly 20 years ago, the two states were added to the primary calendar to increase the electorate.

Campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said that Biden’s name will undoubtedly appear on the general election ballot as the Democratic nominee and “he will tirelessly campaign” to earn Granite Staters’ votes.

Biden, as the incumbent, doesn’t really face much of a challenge in the primaries. There are concerns about his age and mental acuity, but without a contender coming forward with the capability of knocking him out of the race, he will be the Democratic nominee. Who he will face off is yet to be seen, but former President Donald Trump is the frontrunner so far in the Republican primary race.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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