14 House Democrats Reject Biden’s Lax Border Policies

(LibertySons.org) – The situation at the Southern Border is out of control. Millions of immigrants have crossed into the US since President Joe Biden took office, and it hasn’t slowed down. In fact, in December 2023, officials saw more than 300,000 crossings alone, highlighting the need for improved policies. Democrats recently joined Republicans in passing a resolution “denouncing the Biden administration’s open-borders policies.”

On January 11, Rep. Nathaniel Moran (R-TX) introduced H. Res 957, a non-binding resolution, one that isn’t used to advance a law, but rather make an opinion known. In it, Moran outlined the Biden Administration’s failures at the border, including the encounter of more than 7 million illegal aliens at the Southwest border, with 3.3 million being released into the United States’ interior.

Moran further claims that there are “an untold number of unknown illegal alien gotaways [who] have evaded detection along the southwest border.” More concerningly, Border Patrol encountered 312 immigrants who were on the Terrorist Screening Dataset, an increase of more than 2,700% since the Trump Administration. It urges Biden to “end his administration’s open-borders policies.”

The resolution passed on a 225-187 vote, held on January 18, with 14 Democrats joining Republicans. Nine Republicans and 12 Democrats did not vote. Democrats who joined Republicans included some notable names, including Reps. Henry Cuellar (TX), Colin Allred (TX), Jared Golden (ME), Susie Lee (NV), and Jared Moskowitz (FL).

The issue at the border is also causing delays in Congressional business, namely passing critical funding needed for Ukraine, which recently ran out, and Israel. President Biden recently met with House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) to hash out a deal. While it seems they have made progress, there’s been no definite deal as of the time of writing. Without funding for the border, the GOP isn’t likely to accept one.

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