White House’s Instagram Stormed by Angry Americans

(LibertySons.org) – Social media posts and a recent New York Times (NYT)/Siena Poll have provided insights into how much of a disconnect between the Democratic Party and everyday people might exist. For instance, over 5600 angry commenters stormed a recent post-Thanksgiving White House Instagram post touting how “Small businesses are booming under the Biden-Harris administration.” While the post drew more than 7500 likes, most commenters criticized the White House for its tone-deaf approach to Americans, especially small businesses, suffering economic adversity they laid at the feet of inflation and President Joe Biden.

In fact, some Democrats are pointing out that Biden’s repeated messages about just how great the country is doing while individuals struggle to put gasoline in their cars or food on their tables are alienating potential voters and driving approval ratings even further down despite improvements in overall economic indicators. The slow but steady economic improvements haven’t yet trickled down to working-class constituents, and continuing to tout “Bidenomics” simply comes across as elitist and out of touch.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) began to abandon the term “Bidenomics” as early as September, favoring the slogan “people over politics” instead. However, the White House either missed the memo or was slower to adopt the policy because they kept using the term as recently as a November 3 Instagram post when the account boasted, “Bidenomics is growing the economy from the middle out and bottom up – not the top down.”

Like the post later in the month, many of the more than 11,500 commenters thronged the post with grievances and criticism. A NYT/Siena poll released on November 5 confirmed that in the six battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, 57% of voters considered economic issues to be of primary importance to them. An overwhelming majority of respondents, 81%, said the current economy was only fair or poor. Additionally, of those surveyed, 59% said they trusted Trump to do a better job on the economy compared with 37% who continued to place their faith in Biden.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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