Trump Reveals His Intentions for January 6

( – Democrats have weaponized former President Donald Trump’s actions on January 6, 2021, against him. They impeached him for allegedly inciting a riot, but the Senate acquitted him. Then, they spent months investigating the incident and holding public hearings to try to damage him that way. The former president has now revealed his intentions that day.

On May 1, Trump traveled to Waukesha, Wisconsin, for a campaign rally. During the event, he brought up Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to Mark Meadows, Trump’s White House chief of staff. She testified at one of the January 6 Committee hearings in 2022. The former president told the crowd that Hutchinson testified that she’d heard Trump attacked a Secret Service agent and tried to grab the steering wheel on that fateful day.

During his speech at the “Save America” rally, the former president told his supporters they were going to walk to the Capitol and that he would be there with them to cheer on the lawmakers who were trying to stop the certification. Hutchinson claimed the confrontation with the Secret Service happened after Trump’s speech because he was mad about them not letting him march with his supporters to the Capitol.

At the Waukesha rally, it was reported that Trump called the allegations made by Hutchinson “crazy stuff.” He admitted for the first time that he did want to march with his supporters. He said he told his Secret Service detail that he wanted to join them but the agents explained they didn’t think it was a good idea. Trump said that he said, “‘Well, I’d like to. … Whatever you guys think.’”

The former president told the crowd that was the “whole tone of the conversation.” According to him, it was never violent, and there wasn’t any animosity. Witnesses have also disputed Hutchinson’s testimony, saying it never happened.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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