Trump Backs New Senate Candidates, Stirring Controversy

( – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will step down from his leadership position in the fall. When he leaves, the party will do some shuffling in the upper chamber and pick new leaders. Former President Donald Trump is making his preferences known.

Senator Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD), the second highest-ranking Senate conservative, has announced he intends to run to become the next Republican leader when McConnell leaves. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) hopes to take over as the GOP whip.

Barrasso currently serves in the third most powerful Senate Republican position as the chair of the Republican Conference. Trump announced in a post on TRUTH Social that the Wyoming senator has his “Complete and Total Endorsement” for the whip job.

The former president called Barrasso a “fantastic [s]enator.” As the GOP whip, the senator would be responsible for counting and gathering votes on major issues. If there are holdouts on a bill the GOP leader wants to pass, the whip will speak to the lawmakers in question and bargain with them to try to flip their votes. The person in the position is usually someone who is well-liked by the entire caucus and not controversial.

Trump pointed out that the position is “a very important job” that is needed to “ensure [Republicans] pass and enact Strong Legislation that puts America First.” He told his fellow Republicans that he didn’t think Barrasso would let them down.

Barrasso has served in the US Senate since 2007, the same year McConnell took over as leader of the chamber’s GOP caucus. In addition to his current leadership role, he has served as the chair of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, chair of the Senate Republican Party Committee, chair of the chamber’s Environment Committee, and ranking member of the Energy Committee.

Earlier this year, Barrasso suffered a devastating personal loss when his wife of 16 years, Bobbi, passed away from brain cancer.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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