Trump Ally Files Last-Minute Motion to Dodge Prison

( – In November 2021, the Department of Justice announced that a federal grand jury indicted former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon on two counts of contempt of Congress. He refused a subpoena from the House Select Committee after the January 6 insurrection. After many appeals to try and stay out of jail, a federal judge ordered him to report to prison by July 1. But will he have to comply?

With the clock quickly running out, Bannon made a last-ditch effort with the courts to delay his four-month prison term. On June 11, he file an emergency motion with the US Appeals Court for the District of Columbia, requesting a ruling on the matter by June 18. The Trump ally asked for a quick response so he would still have time to appeal to the Supreme Court if necessary before his surrender date.

A federal appeals court already upheld Bannon’s contempt charge in May, prompting the DOJ to ask for Bannon’s remand. US District Judge Carl Nichols granted that request and set his surrender date.

The motion claims Bannon is being sent to prison for political reasons, considering his position as a “political commentator and campaign strategist.” The defendant stated that the Biden administration wants to imprison him right now in order to keep him locked up during the general election cycle. If he surrenders on July 1, he won’t get out until just days before the election.

In July 2022, a jury found Bannon guilty of the charges against him. So far, he has successfully stayed out of jail using the appeals process afforded to him by the American justice system. The verdict reportedly marked the first time in 50 years that a jury convicted someone for defying a congressional subpoena. Bannon’s lawyer, R. Trent McCotter, called it a “landmark case,” noting it will have “far-reaching consequences” if the conviction stands.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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