Trump Aims to Swap Ronna McDaniel with Michael Whatley

( – Ronna McDaniel, the current chair for the Republican National Committee, will likely be stepping down after the February 24 primaries in South Carolina. Former President Donald Trump has hinted at changes to come within the organization, indicating that he wants to swap in North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley once McDaniel has left. He believes the party should be doing more to help him ensure victory over the Democrats in November, and he thinks Whatley is just the man for the job.

RNC member Bill Palatucci told The Hill that changes to the organization are common after the party declares its official candidate. Still, he believes Republicans have been hard on McDaniel over issues he views as out of her control, insisting the RNC’s current financial slump will turn around once the general elections have started.

McDaniel began her work as RNC chair in 2017, at the beginning of Trump’s presidency. She won reelection for every term that followed, but tensions had already begun to grow over lagging fundraising numbers. Issues between her and the former president began to grow when she insisted on going through with the Republican primary debates. Despite the committee’s bylaws, which state that it must remain neutral until it has a presumptive nominee, Trump wanted her to cancel them.

Fox News reports that Trump believes the committee has room to grow, particularly when it comes to election integrity. One reason the former president is pushing for Whatley is because the North Carolina lawmaker was reportedly a strong force against election fraud in the 2020 elections. And Whatley is certainly qualified for the job. He currently serves as the RNC’s general counsel, and he’s been his state’s GOP chair since 2019.

In a strange twist, according to POLITICO, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) publicly endorsed former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for the RNC chair position. He insists he’s serious, but given that the Florida lawmaker was responsible for the former speaker’s ousting, Gaetz might just be trying to stir the pot.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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