Texas Attorney Jailed for 180 Days

(LibertySons.org) – The fight over abortion in Texas is a contentious one. What’s not contentious is the idea that nobody should have the right to drug a pregnant woman without her permission in the hope that it will kill her baby. That’s what a Texas attorney was just sentenced to jail time for doing.

On February 7, 39-year-old Mason Herring pleaded guilty to assault of a pregnant person and injury to a child. According to The Associated Press, Catherine Herring told law enforcement that in March 2022, her husband started offering her water and lecturing her about not staying hydrated during her pregnancy. She drank the water and became very ill. She said the water was cloudy, but her husband suggested it was from the pipes.

Mrs. Herring told authorities she started to get suspicious when her husband continued offering her drinks that she refused. She found packaging for “Cyrus,” a pill sold containing misoprostol, in the trash later. The drug is used to induce abortions. The victim also handed videos from her surveillance system over to police. One of the videos showed Mason Herring mixing a substance into a drink he tried to give to her.

The Herrings’ daughter was born approximately 10 weeks premature. The little girl spent 117 days during the first nine months of her life in the hospital. She is the couple’s third child and is 18 months old now. Sadly, she has developmental delays and regularly attends therapy. Mrs. Herring filed for divorce from her attacker.

After the defendant pleaded guilty, Harris County District Court Judge Andrea Beall sentenced him to 180 days in jail and 10 years of probation. He has to report to jail to begin serving his sentence on March 1.

The sentence wasn’t enough for the victim. Mrs. Herring said she didn’t think 180 days was enough justice after he tried to kill their daughter at least seven times. She called the sentence a “flagrant and profound injustice.”

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