Secure the Border Act Will Appear on Ballots After Court Rejects Lawsuits

( – The disaster at our southern border has been exacerbated by the failed policies of the current administration. The number of illegal migrants as well as the amount of drugs like fentanyl crossing into the US has increased in the past three years since President Joe Biden took office. One state that’s been hit particularly hard by the open borders is Arizona. After a Superior Court ruling, citizens statewide will now be able to vote on a measure aimed at controlling the illegal immigration problem.

Arizona’s Secure the Border Act, known as Proposition 314 on the state ballot in November, has six main points. Five of them are directly related to illegal migration across the border between Arizona and Mexico. They make it a crime for noncitizens to enter the state unless it’s at a designated port of entry. Police can arrest offenders and state judges can deport them.

It also requires proof of legal status before individuals can apply for public assistance programs. Submitting false documentation to “evade detection of employment eligibility, or to apply for public benefits” becomes a Class 6 felony.

These items are all obviously related to immigration. The sixth point, however, some opponents of the measure claim is not related to illegals at all. It makes the sale of fentanyl a Class 2 felony if the offender knowingly sells it and someone dies because of it.

In Arizona, all parts of proposed legislation must be related to a single topic. Opponents filed a lawsuit to keep the measure off the ballot claiming all parts were not sufficiently related. However, a Superior Court judge in Maricopa Count has ruled on the suit and he says the voters will get to decide the measure themselves.

In his ruling, Judge Scott Minder said he was satisfied the wording was “sufficient under Arizona law to tie all the provisions together under the subject of ‘responses to harms related to an unsecured border.’”

This is likely not the last we’ve heard about Proposition 314 as opponents are expected to appeal Judge Minder’s decision.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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