Red States Urge Supreme Court to Block Biden’s Student Loan Plan

( – In August 2023, the Biden-Harris administration launched the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan, an income-driven repayment initiative that determines monthly payments based on several factors. Those include the borrower’s income and family size rather than their loan balances. The plan was set to benefit more than 20 million borrowers, but several Republican-led states filed suit against it.

In March, 11 such states sued to stop the plan, but the federal court ruled only 3 of the states had standing to move forward — South Carolina, Texas, and Alaska. Still, it issued a preliminary injunction. The Department of Education then requested a stay from the 10th Circuit to block the lower court’s ruling — it granted the request. So, now the conservative states are turning to the Supreme Court to overturn the appeals court’s decision.

The plaintiffs claim that parts of the program are against the law and will cost the American public billions. They are not only asking the high court to set aside the 10th Circuit’s ruling but block the plan altogether or at least hear arguments when the justices return to their seats in the fall. The states want an answer by the end of July. The high court already struck down a student loan forgiveness program launched by the Biden administration. The action, however, didn’t sway President Joe Biden from his mission of giving relief to those saddled with student loans that continue to grow every day. The president said his administration would “stop at nothing to find other ways to deliver relief to hard-working middle-class families.”

Because of the previous SCOTUS ruling, the Republican-led states still believe their case is clear, and the high court will rule in their favor again. It is unclear how long it will take the court to decide whether or not to take up the case. The Department of Education reported it has already canceled student loan debt for more than 400,000 borrowers enrolled in the SAVE program.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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