Ramaswamy Campaign Vehicle Involved in Collision

(LibertySons.org) – GOP Presidential primary hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy insists protestors purposefully slammed into his car while he was campaigning in Iowa. Local police state there’s no evidence the vehicle involved in the collision was related to any protests, and video footage doesn’t offer any additional leads one way or the other. Still, Ramaswamy wants justice.

The narrative is fuzzy over the reason protesters backed into Ramaswamy’s car. Des Moines Register states the candidate’s campaign blamed individuals who were angry over his stance on Ukraine, which Hindustan Times also shared. In contrast, video footage from The Daily Mail implies the driver may have been upset over conservative views on transgender kids. Ramaswamy shared the same clip on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

Another video shows 22-year-old Celia Meagher flipping off and honking at Ramaswamy and his associates before backing out of her parking spot on the street. Tricia McLaughlin, who was with the candidate at the time, claims the apparent protestors also screamed profanities at them. The video doesn’t show the collision, but the young woman reportedly continued backing her car until she hit the back bumper of the Republican candidate’s rental, which was parked across the street.

Police took Meagher’s statement shortly after the accident and said the collision appeared unintentional. Authorities issued the statement in response to Ramaswamy’s allegation that the woman had intentionally hit his vehicle. The notice adds its reasoning on the driver’s insistence that she wasn’t in the area to protest and wasn’t aware of whose car she’d hit. She remained at the scene following the collision — waiting for police, not fleeing — and her vehicle sustained as much damage as Ramaswamy’s.

Meagher received a summons for unsafe backing. Ramaswamy isn’t satisfied with the official report. He wants the young woman, as well as the passenger who was with her, to be “held accountable” for their allegedly hateful actions.

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