Putin Smirks and Mockingly Applauds Biden for Insulting Him as a ‘Crazy SOB’

(LibertySons.org) – The 2024 campaign is in full swing. President Joe Biden traveled to San Francisco, California, for a fundraising event on February 15 and spoke about Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin and Russian president spoke out about his remarks.

During the fundraiser, Biden discussed climate change and said the world has a “crazy SOB like Putin,” and there’s always the threat of a “nuclear conflict, but the existential threat to humanity is climate.”

Russian state television asked Putin about the remark made by the US president, and he reportedly smiled sarcastically before responding. The Russian president claimed he was “ready to work with any president” but preferred Biden. Putin went on to say the comment made by Biden confirmed his belief. He claimed the POTUS wasn’t exactly going to go to him and thank him for helping America.

Not everyone was amused by the US president’s remarks. Anatoly Antonov, Russia’s ambassador to Washington, told the press that he sent the US State Department a “strong note of protest about the outrageous nature and unacceptability” of Biden’s insult.

The Kremlin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov called the president’s remarks “churlish” and said he was behaving “in the Hollywood cowboy style to serve internal political interests.”

A few days after Biden’s remarks, he announced his administration was issuing more than 600 sanctions against Russia and individuals and entities helping the nation. The measures targeted the defense and finance industries. The new ones also included people in other countries who were circumventing earlier sanctions.

Biden said the sanctions were meant to target those helping Putin’s war machine. He also sanctioned three individuals involved in the detention of Alexei Navalny. The Russian opposition leader died in an Arctic prison on February 16.

The president said Putin had to “pay the price for his death and destruction”; otherwise, he would continue going, and it would cost the US and its allies.

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