Outrage Follows After Judge Cannon Sets Trump Deadline for Gag Order Opposition

(LibertySons.org) – US District Judge Aileen Cannon has faced a tremendous amount of criticism over her handling of the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump. She recently pushed the trial back indefinitely while she worked on a pile of pre-trial rulings that she hadn’t acted on in months. Now, she’s facing outrage over a decision to allow Trump to respond to a gag order request.

On June 2, Cannon issued a paperless order setting a deadline for June 14 to allow Trump’s legal team to respond to a motion from Special Counsel Jack Smith seeking to modify the conditions of the former president’s bond. The prosecutor has asked Cannon, an appointee of Trump, to impose a gag order on the defendant. The request came after Trump accused federal law enforcement of trying to assassinate him based on the FBI’s standard protocol authorizing the use of deadly force if a situation calls for it.

Cannon denied the gag order and criticized Smith for not offering the defense the “courtesy” of a conversation before filing the motion in court. She also criticized the prosecution for filing the motion before Memorial Day after Trump’s team complained it was being rushed into responding. The judge dismissed the gag order request without prejudice, meaning Smith could raise it again. He did so on May 31, which led to the paperless order.

Ben Meiselas, the co-founder of MeidasTouch, criticized the judge for issuing a paperless ruling and trying to “screw around with the scheduling and make things complicated and delay things to try to help Donald Trump.” He claimed she does that without making a substantive ruling so that she won’t be reversed like she was in 2022 when the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ripped her apart over a ruling related to the search of Mar-a-Lago, the former president’s resort.

Meiselas went on to predict that Cannon’s paperless ruling would mean she would not issue a ruling on the issue until mid-July, which would be a “substantive delay.”

Former US Attorney Joyce Vance accused Cannon of playing games that could lead to someone being “hurt in the intervening three weeks.”

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