Nashville Police Chief’s Son Found Deceased After Manhunt

( – Nashville Police Chief John Drake is grieving the loss of his son this week. John C. Drake, who was 38 at the time of his death, reportedly ran afoul of the law when he encountered Officers Ashely Boleyjack and Gregory Kern on October 21. They were inquiring about a stolen vehicle at the time. A struggle ensued; Drake Jr. them both and fled on foot.

Fortunately, both Kern and Boleyjack survived the attack with only moderate injuries. They were transported to nearby Vanderbilt University Medical Center for treatment. Doctors released Kern a short time later and Boleyjack the next day.

What ensued after this initial conflict was a days-long manhunt aimed at tracking down Drake Jr., who remained on the run. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) issued an advisory notice on October 22 asking anyone who had information about his whereabouts to please phone in. But Drake stayed out of sight until October 24, when he attempted to steal a vehicle from a couple at gunpoint in Nashville.

Local police chased the suspect down in the stolen car for some time, but he refused to stop the vehicle. The car eventually crashed; Drake jumped out and once again fled on foot. But this time, he sheltered in a shed behind a house on 15th Avenue South.

Officers were still searching for the man when they heard a muffled gunshot echo from within the outbuilding. They moved in to arrest Drake with the intention of charging him with Attempted First-Degree Murder but found he had already taken his own life.

LaVergne Police Chief Christopher Moews publicly announced that the search was over via Facebook on October 25, commending all of the agents involved for their hard work on the case. He also said the department would continue to pray for Drake Sr. and his family.

Police Chief Drake, for his part, had already released a statement regarding the matter shortly after his son’s initial encounter with police. The two were reportedly estranged and had not been in contact for several years. Calling him a convicted felon,” he implored anyone with information to send in a tip to help hold Drake Jr. accountable for his crimes.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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