Nancy Mace Harshly Condemns George Stephanopoulos for Intense Interview

( – A Republican congresswoman has slammed ABC News anchor George Stephanopolous, accusing him of demeaning rape victims. Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) was assaulted as a teenager; Stephanopolous brought that up when he asked her why she was endorsing Donald Trump for the presidency. Mace hit back hard, calling the former Clinton administration official “disgusting.”

On March 10, Stephanopolous interviewed Mace for ABC’s “This Week,” and the main subject was the upcoming presidential election. He asked her how she could reconcile her endorsement of Trump with her own experience as a rape victim, considering the former president was found liable for raping journalist E Jean Carroll in the 1990s (in fact, the jury rejected her claim of rape).

It’s likely Stephanopolous, who worked for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992 before becoming White House communications director and a senior advisor, hoped to force her into an embarrassing contradiction. Instead, it blew up in his face.

As Stephanopolous denied he was trying to humiliate Mace, the furious congresswoman told him his question was “offensive” and “disgusting” and blasted him for “questioning my political choices because I’ve been raped.”

Mace added that she was endorsing the presidential candidate she thinks is best for the US, and “It’s not Joe Biden.” When Stephanopolous again claimed Trump had been found liable for rape and said Mace was “comfortable” with that, she mauled him again for “putting words in my mouth.”

After the interview, Mace headed straight for X (formerly Twitter) and shared a video of the interview, along with a series of posts savaging Stephanopolous and accusing him of hypocrisy. In one memorable salvo, she referenced Clinton’s lies about having sex with intern Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office and said she wasn’t going to be shamed by someone who’d worked for that president.

Mace also accused Stephanopolous of “mansplaining” and called him “gross.” By that point, he was probably wishing he’d asked her a different question.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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