Mariemont Student’s Texts Reveal Plot for Major Attack

( – A 14-year-old is in custody after he allegedly made plans to attack Mariemont High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. The teen allegedly plotted the assault with another individual, who is in their 20s. A classmate, who reportedly learned about the plan, came forward to prevent the potential tragedy.

Local news source Fox 19 reports that the two co-conspirators began working on their scheme in January 2024, brainstorming ideas via text messages. The messages indicate that the teen planned to obtain a firearm from his home and use it to wreak devastation upon the school. He reportedly had a hit list, which included one teacher and eight students. He also allegedly planned to rape some of his victims.

One of the teen’s classmates contacted his father at work after overhearing a discussion about the attack. The dad, Zach Swallen, told Fox News that he could tell by his son’s tone of voice that the issue was serious. He took the information to the Mariemont Police Department, which investigated the boy’s allegations. Mariemont Chief of Police Richard Hines praised the witness’ actions, stating that he likely prevented “a very bad situation.”

Hamilton County Prosecutor Melissa Powers is pressing to have the teen charged as an adult, fearing that the juvenile justice system will fall short of delivering an appropriate sentence. He currently faces a charge of conspiracy to commit aggravated murder. If the suspect is convicted as an adult, they could receive up to life in prison. He would be up for parole after 35 years. There is no word on whether the co-conspirator, who lives out of state, has been arrested.

US News states that the prevalence of school shootings has skyrocketed in recent years, with 346 incidents occurring in 2023 alone. Not including assailants, 248 people died last year as a result of school shootings. USA Facts adds that the majority of incidents have been the result of disputes that were left to escalate.

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