Ken Paxton Wins Case, Ignites Debate on Women’s Rights and State vs. Federal Powers

Ken Paxton Wins Case, Ignites Debate on Women's Rights and State vs. Federal Powers

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton secures a major legal victory against the Biden Administration’s Department of Education, blocking controversial Title IX guidance nationwide.

At a Glance

  • Federal court vacates Biden Administration’s Title IX guidance nationwide
  • Guidance would have required schools to allow biological males in women’s spaces
  • Paxton argues the policy violates federal law and the Constitution
  • Court criticizes DOE for not following proper procedures

Paxton’s Legal Victory Against Biden Administration

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has won a significant legal battle against the Biden Administration’s Department of Education (DOE) regarding its controversial Title IX guidance. The federal court’s decision vacates the guidance nationwide and issues a permanent injunction against its enforcement in Texas, marking a major setback for the administration’s efforts to expand LGBTQ+ protections in schools.

The lawsuit, filed in June 2023, challenged the DOE’s guidance that extended Title IX protections to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes. This interpretation would have required Texas schools to allow biological males to use women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and other sex-specific spaces or risk losing federal education funding.

Implications for Schools and Women’s Rights

The court’s ruling ensures that Texas schools do not have to comply with the Biden Administration’s interpretation of Title IX regarding gender identity. This decision has far-reaching implications for educational institutions across the country, as it blocks the enforcement of policies that many conservatives viewed as a threat to women’s rights and privacy.

“Joe Biden’s unlawful effort to weaponize Title IX for his extremist agenda has been stopped in its tracks,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Threatening to withhold education funding by forcing states to accept ‘transgender’ policies that put women in danger was plainly illegal. Texas has prevailed on behalf of the entire Nation.”

The court order criticized the DOE for not following proper procedures and for attempting to advance an agenda not supported by the text and context of Title IX. This ruling aligns with the concerns of many conservative states that have introduced legislation on LGBTQ+ issues in schools.

Broader Context of State-Federal Disputes

This legal victory for Texas is part of a larger pattern of state-federal disputes over social issues. Twenty-six GOP-led states have sued the federal government over the Title IX changes, reflecting a growing divide between conservative states and the Biden Administration’s progressive policies.

“Texas will not allow Joe Biden to rewrite Title IX at whim, destroying legal protections for women in furtherance of his radical obsession with gender ideology,” said Attorney General Paxton. “This attempt to subvert federal law is plainly illegal, undemocratic, and divorced from reality. Texas will always take the lead to oppose Biden’s extremist, destructive policies that put women at risk.”

The Movement Advancement Project reports that 24 states now have laws banning transgender students from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity, highlighting the growing pushback against federal LGBTQ+ initiatives at the state level.

Looking Ahead

As the Biden Administration grapples with this setback, it remains to be seen how they will respond to the court’s ruling. The decision underscores the ongoing tension between state and federal interpretations of civil rights laws and sets the stage for further legal battles over LGBTQ+ rights in educational settings.

For now, Attorney General Paxton and his conservative allies are celebrating this victory as a significant step in protecting what they see as women’s rights and traditional values in education. The ruling is likely to embolden other states to challenge similar federal guidelines, potentially reshaping the landscape of gender identity policies in schools across the nation.


  1. Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Secures Major Win Block­ing Biden Administration’s Attempt to Force ​“Trans­gen­der” Poli­cies Into Schools, Secur­ing Nation­wide Relief Against Unlaw­ful Agency Actions
  2. Ken Paxton Celebrates ‘Major Victory’ Against Joe Biden
  3. In 75th lawsuit against Biden, Paxton sues to stop new gender identity guidelines for employers
  4. Tracking regulatory changes in the Biden era
  5. Texas sues Biden administration to block expansion of LGBTQ+ student protections